Just do it

This is really powerful sentence that tells everything, so simple but so important, just do it, go for, take action..whatever is mean for you in this moment. I heard it so many times, read, noticed. Even the slogan of popular world brand sends us same message. Just do it. But, often it is easier said that done. First step and taking action are the hardest. We know it is not enough just positive thinking, wishing something or, how today we can hear, visualize and write down your goals. It is necessary every day do a little, step by step, with will, desire and enthusiasm, just do things which inspire and rejoice you, also learn, educate...whatever action for you means. If you have some goal and strong willing to achieve it, it is needed to do something every single day, because waiting ideal conditions, right people or perfect time, you will wait forever. It is necessary dare and go for. Just do it.

Long  time I thought that is important to try because "You won't know if you don't try". Yes, but today I am noticing more and more that each try means that you don't believe enough in your goal and achieving it, when you try you improve yourself that you have doubt and distrust in the process. Who believe just do it without trying, hoping, probes because on that way just confirm insecurity. It was difficult for me to change my long-standing belief that always should try. That is reason because I tried too many different things and didn't persist. Today, I change try with do it and give my best. Just make decision and take action.

At the end I would add, just do it and believe


Ovo je zaista mocna recenica koja sve govori, tako jednostavna a tako vazna, samo uradi, kreni, stupi u akciju..sta god to bilo za tebe u ovom trenutku. Toliko puta sam to cula, procitala, primetila. Cak i slogan popularnog svetskog brenda nam salje ovu poruku. Just do it. Cesto je zaista lakse reci nego i uraditi, jer je prvi korak i samo pokretanje na akciju cesto i najteze. Znamo da nije dovoljno samo razmisljati pozitivno, nesto zeleti ili kako danas mnogi porucuju vizualizirati ili zapisaivati ciljeve,  vec je potrebno sa zeljom, voljom i entuzijazmom krenuti sitnim koracima, raditi stvari koje nas inspirisu i raduju, uciti, edukovati se...sta god za vas podrazumevalo akciju. Ako imate neki cilj i jaku zelju za ostvarenje istog, potrebno je svakog dana nesto uraditi, malo po malo, korak po korak...jer cekanje idealnih uslova, pravih ljudi i savrsenog vremena, cekacete zauvek. Potrebno je usuditi se i krenuti. Just do it.

Dugo sam mislila da je jako vazno pokusavati, probati i vodila se onim "Neces znati dok ne probas". Daa, ali sa danasnjim znanjem uvidjam da svaki pokusaj podrazumeva da ne verujes  100% u svoj cilj i ostvarenje istog, probom dokazujes sebi da se on nece ostvariti, ostavljas prostora za sumnju i nepoverenje u proces. Jer ko veruje samo uradi to, ne pokusava, isprobava, nada se...jer time potvrdjuje svoju nesigurnost. Upravo iz tog razloga je i meni bilo tesko da promenim svoje dugogodisnje uverenje da uvek trebas probati, zato i jesam bezbroj puta pokusavala razne stvari u kojima nisam istrajala. Danas try zamenjujem sa do it. Doneses odluku i krenes u akciju.

I na kraju bih samo dodala, Just do it. And believe.


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